Exam Week Tips

Exams are fast approaching, stress levels are climbing – if there’s one thing that shouldn’t suffer though, it’s sleep. Here is our tried and true exam routine to help you defeat the bane of every university student.


Early to bed, early to rise

It’s inevitable you’ll be studying late into the night before exams, but it’s better to get to sleep at a reasonable hour and make up that extra hour early in the morning.

Neurology Professor Cliff Saper exhorts “Go to bed at midnight and do your hour of studying at 7 a.m. It makes more sense to do it then, rather than between midnight and 1.am.”

Biorhythmic gymnastics

Aim to get on a sleeping pattern that will have you working optimally during exam times. If your earliest exam is at 9am, and you’re waking up at 10am, try and jig this for exams. Most important – sleep well before your exam! Aim for 7-8 hours to ensure you’re “well rested.”

Replicating exam conditions

When doing practice exam papers, replicate the conditions as closely as possible to sitting the real thing. Find a different space from your usual study area, have no distraction, time conditions, and if you’re used to exams in REB, then maybe turn the air-conditioning on.

During Exam

Reading the Paper

Everybody tells you this, and yet it’s still one of the leading causes of lost marks in exams. Exam pressure can play tricks on your mind, and send it racing. Read all questions at least 3 times, enunciating each key term to ensure you’ve understood the question. To prove this fact, think about the how simple some past exams papers have seemed, when read away from exam conditions.


Make sure you’re hydrated for exams. Studies in the UK have shown a glass of water before an exam can lead to a 10% improvement in marks – we’re not sure about that (still better to be safe than sorry).

Dot points

Don’t know the answer, but have some ideas? Remember, your examiner is looking for ways to help you pass. Jot down some dot points, and prove to them you’ve got some understanding as what the question is asking. Focus on what you know. Read the subject syllabus and find out what the main outcomes from the subject are suppose to be – use this to help form answers for questions your not sure about.

Deep Breaths

Take 3 of these if you get stuck. Seriously! Watch the power of 3 deep breaths in helping you refocus and restart your brain. A rich supply of oxygen to the brain is super important when under stressful situations. So don’t forget – Deep Breaths!


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  2. Valdo07

    Preparation for the exam is the most important thing to determine readiness in working on all the questions that exist. But how does it go, meaning the process during the exam. Now,… Here are 10 tips that really help you in doing the exam.

    Come well prepared and early.

    Bring all the writing tools you need, such as pencils, pens, calculators, dictionaries, watches (hands), erasers, tip ex, rulers, and so on. This equipment will help you to stay focused while taking the exam.

    Be calm and confident.

    Remind yourself that you are prepared and will do well on the test.

    Relax but be alert.

    Choose a chair or a comfortable place to do the exam. Make sure you get enough space to do it. Maintain an upright sitting position.

    Preview your exam questions first (if the exam has unlimited time)

    Spend 10% of the entire exam time reading the exam questions in depth, highlighting key words and decide how long it will take to answer each question. Plan to do the easy questions first, then the most difficult questions. When you read the questions, also note any ideas that come up that will be used as answers.

    Answer the exam questions strategically.

    Start by answering the easy questions that you know, then with the questions that have the highest scores. The last question you should be working on is:

    most difficult question

    which took a long time to write the answer

    has the smallest value 1

    When working on multiple choice questions, know which answer to choose/guess.

    At first, ignore answers you know are wrong. Always guess an answer choice when there is no penalty for deducting points, or when there are no answer choices that you can ignore. Don’t guess an answer choice when you don’t know for sure and when a point deduction penalty is used. Since the first choice of your answer is usually correct, don’t change it unless you are sure of your correction.

    When working on essay exam questions, think about the answer before writing.

    Outline a short answer for an essay by jotting down a few ideas you want to write down first. Then number the ideas in order which you would like to discuss first.

    When working on essay exam questions, answer the main points directly.

    Write the main sentence in the first sentence. Use the first paragraph as an overview of your essay. Use the following paragraphs to discuss the main points in detail. Support your points with specific information, examples, or quotes from your reading or notes.

    Set aside 10% of your time to double-check your answers.

    Check your answers; Avoid the urge to leave class as soon as you answer all the exam questions. Check again that you have completed all questions. Reread your answer to check spelling, grammar and punctuation. For math answers, check for any oversight (eg misplaced decimal). Compare your actual math answer with a quick calculation.

    Analisa hasil ujianmu.

    Each exam can help you prepare for the next one. Decide which strategy suits you. Determine which strategies are not working and change them. Use the previous exam papers when studying for the final exam.

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