Exam Week Tips

Exams are fast approaching, stress levels are climbing – if there’s one thing that shouldn’t suffer though, it’s sleep. Here is our tried and true exam routine to help you defeat the bane of every university student. Pre-Exam Early to bed, early to rise It’s inevitable you’ll be studying late into the night before exams, but…

Tips for Tutors

Entering the world of private tutoring can be daunting so we’ve complied a list of want to expect, and some useful tips for tutors on how to navigate the waters! MEETING THE STUDENT Meeting the student for the first time can be a little awkward. Some might be embarrassed, others just quite but it is…

Making Great Notes

KEEP IT SIMPLE Notes aren’t the textbook. They are a summary. All you want is to keep the key information. You want your notes to help recall key information when you look at them. Here are few ways to keep your notes simple: Write short sentences and stick to keywords Put your notes in your…


So what’s hard about exams, and why do the same people keep nailing them? We’ve done The Case Study to help you understand: What The H1’S Are Doing The answer we came to is “knowing what and how to study.” The top students never do more study than you, and they’re not altogether “smarter” than you,…