Stressing about week 12? Need ideas for how to hit the ground running? Look no further. All the advice you need for your unimelb swot vac.
Stressing about week 12? Need ideas for how to hit the ground running? Look no further. All the advice you need for your unimelb swot vac.
Training Your Brain For Excellence With eXams just around the corner, getting your Brain in top shape is super important to help you maximise your results. Trust us to get you over the line, with these powerful 10 Rules for brain training! *Credit Molecular Biologist John Medina for the research. 1. Exercise Boosts Brain Power Exercise…
Studying at University is about engaging with all that material in multiple ways. The textbook, along with lecture slides and notes can be more helpful than you think- That’s if you know how to take notes effectively! Reading a textbook cover to cover is no way to prepare for an exam. Taking notes from a…
How Top Students Make Great Notes Studies have shown these 5 tips are consistent with what top students do when making notes for later revision. KEEP IT SIMPLE Notes aren’t the textbook. They are a summary. Look to highlight key information. You want your notes to help recall key information when you look at them. Here are…