Vocational Education and Training Business (VET 3/4 Notes)
These summaries cover various topics related to business and workplace management, including organizing personal work priorities and development, setting goals and objectives, using KPIs and metrics, quality assurance, reducing workplace stress, professional development, essential enterprise skills, policies and procedures, legislation and ethics, occupational health and safety, data storage and management, and efficient document production. The articles provide definitions, examples, and strategies for each topic, as well as indicators of success and ways to improve performance. The summaries also touch on workplace hazards, such as electrical equipment, poor lighting, sexual harassment or workplace bullying, RSI, and ergonomics. This note also summarizes other things related to Vocational Education and Training Business.
Vocational Education and Training Business
Vision statement– describes the future direction and outlook of the organisation.
Mission statement– explains the overall purpose of the organisation and why the organisation exists.
Answers questions such as
- Who we are
- What we do
- Where we are headed
Work goals and objections include:
- Budgetary targets
- Production targets
- Reporting deadlines
- Sales targets
- Team and individual learning goals
- Team participation
Goal: an overall aim, a business goal is the end result, this is, what the organisation wants to achieve to make up part of the overall business plan. The goal is the final result, final target, outcome, or aim, it is what we are expected to reach when delivering the service product
Objective: a specific target, that when met, will help achieve the overall goal. Objectives may also be referred to as expectations, deliverables, or outcomes that must be achieved throughout the organisation if it is to reach its business goals.
Goal: to increase sales
Objective: to understand what customers want
Strategy: to ask customers for surveys
Goals that may be found in business documents:
- The business plan
- Annual reports
- Team plans
- Budgets
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Time frame
Stakeholders – anything to do with a business (teachers, students, parents, etc).