VCE Physics 3-4 Yr 12 Exam Summary
  • VCE Physics 3-4 Yr 12 Exam Summary

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VCE Physics 3-4 Yr 12 Exam Summary


The provided content covers various topics related to physics, including waves, light, matter, and their properties. It discusses concepts such as diffraction, interference, the photoelectric effect, electron diffraction patterns, De Broglie’s wave-particle theory, and more. The content explores both the wave-like and particle-like behaviours of light and matter, as well as their similarities and quantized energy levels. It also touches on topics like atomic absorption and emission line spectra, energy level diagrams, and the dual nature of matter evidence.


VCE Physics 3-4 Yr 12 Exam Summary

Unit 3 AOS 1: How do things move without contact

“Fields and Interactions” & “Effects of Fields”

Unit 3 AOS 1: How do things move without contact

“Fields and Interactions” & “Effects of Fields” Gravitational Fields: Region in space where a mass experiences a force due to another mass (monopole) Newton’s Law of universal gravitation (force that attracts two bodies of mass): F_g = G (m_1 m_2) / r^2 Gravitational Field Strength: g = GM / r^2 = F_g / m Gravitational Potential: E_g = mg∆h Change in E_g = W = Fs Force – Distance Graph: (watch for + -) Area = Work done = ∆ Energy …

Unit 3 AOS 2: How are fields used to move electrical energy?

“Generating Electricity” Magnetic field strength is often referred to as flux density Electromagnetic Induction: The generation of electricity in a conductor is due to the changes in a magnetic field EMF is only induced when there is relative motion between a conductor and magnetic field Magnetic Flux: a measurement of the total magnetic field which passes through a given area. ∅ = B⊥A Factors affecting the rate of change of flux: speed of magnet and field, strength of field, changing the area of the loop, angle between loop and field. Induced EMF in moving conductor: EMF is generated if wire “CUTS” field lines ϵ = lvB Factors affecting induced EMF: change in magnetic field, change in area ⊥ to magnetic field, faster the change in flux the greater the induced EMF. …