VCE HHD Sustainable Development Goals (Grade A+)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals designed to address various dimensions of sustainability, including social inclusion, economic growth, and environmental protection. They were collaboratively developed by United Nations member states, NGOs, and people worldwide, with the aim of improving global well-being by achieving 169 specific targets by 2030. The SDGs focus on five main areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. They aim to eliminate extreme poverty, inequality, and injustice while addressing climate change.
SDG3 specifically targets “Good Health and Wellbeing.” It aims to enhance physical and mental health by reducing morbidity and mortality from common causes and extending life expectancy. This includes efforts to decrease maternal and child mortality, combat communicable diseases like AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases, and address non-communicable diseases and injuries associated with road trauma, substance abuse, and pollution.
To achieve these goals, the SDGs emphasize the importance of universal health coverage, research and development for vaccines and medicines, disease prevention and management support, and strengthening health infrastructure. By expanding access to healthcare services, promoting vaccination, investing in research, and improving environmental conditions such as clean water and sanitation, SDG 3 aims to improve global health and well-being.
The SDGs were introduced due to the need for new targets after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ended in 2015. Despite progress made by the MDGs, inequalities persisted, and new global challenges like conflict, extremism, and environmental crises emerged. The SDGs seek to build upon the successes of the MDGs while addressing these evolving challenges, ensuring a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous world for all.
VCE HHD Sustainable Development Goals
- What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
-The 17 sustainable development goals are also referred to as global goals. The goal covers the three main dimensions of sustainability: social inclusion, economic growth and environmental protection. Each goal has targets, including 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.
-These were developed through a collaborative process by all United Nations member states, non-government organizations and people interested in improving the world.