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VCE Biology Unit 3/4 Notes


This VCE Biology Unit 3/4 notes cover the topic of Ethics in Biology. Ethics is a field of knowledge that deals with our personal understanding of right and wrong, and it can be thought of as a system of moral principles that help us question our actions and those of others while defending our own values, beliefs, and principles. Applied ethics is important in helping us bridge the gap between abstract theories we might learn in the classroom and concrete situations we might face in the world. The notes mention common features of a bioethical issue and list current bioethical issues.


VCE Biology Unit 3/4 Notes

1B – Ethics in Biology

Ethics is a field of knowledge that deals with our personal understanding of right and wrong. At its simplest, ethics can be thought of as a working system of moral principles that help us question our actions and those of others while defending our own values, beliefs, and principles.

Applied ethics is important in helping us bridge the gap between abstract theories we might learn in the classroom and concrete situations we might face in the world. It attempts to implement ethical theories and moral principles to guide decision-making in particular contexts and problems.

Common features of a bioethical issue:

VCE Biology Unit 3/4 Notes

VCE Biology Unit 3/4 Notes


Integrity – The commitment to knowledge. This concept encourages individuals to act honestly and truthfully,
especially when presenting their findings or results. Integrity prioritises an accurate understanding
and representation of the facts, whether favourable or unfavourable, to an individual’s personal
position and encourages scrutiny and criticism.

Justice – The commitment to fairness. This concept encourages consideration of different people’s opinions
and positions, especially those directly affected or marginalised by a course of action. Justice
prioritises the fair distribution of resources, as well as equal access to the benefits of an action,
policy, investigation, or research.

Beneficence – The commitment to maximising benefits. This concept encourages individuals to act in a way that
benefits others. Beneficence promotes the personal well-being and good of other persons,
particularly direct stakeholders such as patients and research subjects.