Treating Dental-Related Maxillary Sinus Diseases
  • Treating Dental-Related Maxillary Sinus Diseases

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Treating Dental-Related Maxillary Sinus Diseases


The study primarily focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the nose, along with the etiopathogenesis and pathology of diseases of dental origin of the maxillary sinus. In the theoretical part, the first chapter dives into the nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses, and the physiology of the nose. The nasal cavity acts as the primary airway for breathing and helps filter and humidify inhaled air. The paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces located within the bones of the skull and face, connected to the nasal cavity. They play a role in voice resonance, insulation of the eyes and dental roots, and enhancing the airflow through the nasal cavity.

Chapter 2 delves into the diseases of the maxillary sinus that originate from dental issues. The etiopathogenesis and pathology section explains the origin and progression of such diseases. Dental infections or procedures can sometimes spread bacteria or inflammation to the maxillary sinuses, causing sinusitis or other related conditions. The symptomatology, evolution, complications, and treatment section discusses the signs, progression, potential complications, and treatment methods for these diseases. Lastly, imaging exploration of the paranasal sinuses highlights the use of various imaging techniques, such as X-rays or CT scans, to diagnose sinus diseases.

In the special part of the study, the motivation and purpose of the work are outlined, followed by two chapters focusing on health education for ENT disease prevention and care plans. These chapters emphasize the importance of educating individuals about preventative measures to reduce the risk of ENT diseases. The nursing process is further explored through clinical case studies, demonstrating real-world applications of care plans for patients with dental-origin maxillary sinus diseases.


Treating Dental-Related Maxillary Sinus Diseases


1.1. Nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is located in the centre of the upper jaw, above the oral cavity, under the neurocranium, before the nasal portion of the pharynx and between the two orbits communicating with paranasal sinuses around it.

The internal segment of the nasal cavity is divided into symmetrical anteroposterior corridors separated by the nasal septum, called nasal fossae. In the anterior part, the nasal cavities communicate with the outside through the nostrils.