Step-By-Step School-Family Link
  • Step-By-Step School-Family Link

About the Product

Step-By-Step School-Family Link


The research paper “The School-Family Relationship as an Alternative Step By Step” provides an in-depth analysis of the multifaceted relationship between schools and families in the context of alternative education. It establishes a theoretical framework incorporating philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical foundations, including the teaching-learning-evaluation triad within alternative education models. The paper also delves into the unique psychological profile of young schoolchildren, touching on psycho-motor, cognitive, and affective-attitudinal development and learning psychology specific to this age group.

The core of the research explores the pivotal role that families play in a child’s psycho-affective development and scrutinizes the competencies required of teaching staff to foster effective family engagement. The investigative part of the paper outlines several research objectives. These include identifying the intricacies of the school-family relationship in an alternative setting, defining the elements of a student’s personality that can be nurtured through alternative education centres, and examining the impact of extracurricular activities in solidifying the family-school bond.

To achieve these objectives, the research deploys various methods, including observation, surveys, and analysis of activity products and extracurricular activities. The data generated is then meticulously analyzed to draw pertinent conclusions. Among these are specific family-involved activities—from celebrations and visits to trips—that can serve as models for enhancing extracurricular programs. The paper affirms that educators who possess specific skills tailored to the roles generated by the school-family relationship can significantly influence individualization and differentiation in developing students’ skills.


Step-By-Step School-Family Link



The “Step By Step” program for primary education is a model created as a serious response to the changes taking place in society. The need for a change in education is inescapable, if we consider the flow of information from everyday life, the change of attributions from traditional institutions and the discoveries regarding mental activity. The daily structure of the class is programmed in units of time for different subjects. The information is separated into distinct fragments, which are presented to the children in a unit of time designed to cover the subject and not in response to the child’s desire for knowledge