Spirituality in Low-Income Homes
  • Spirituality in Low-Income Homes

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Spirituality in Low-Income Homes


The study explores the influence of religious beliefs on familial relationships, particularly in families facing poverty. Utilizing qualitative methods with an interview guide comprising 16 questions, the study samples eight women aged 40-50 from Timişoara. The research identifies various types of family climates that impact children’s development. For example, rigid families are excessively severe, leading to anxiety and a lack of confidence in children. Conversely, libertine families lack supervision, often leaving the child’s upbringing to other relatives. Anxiogenic families foster a tense atmosphere filled with suspicion, while conflict-ridden families leave children traumatized due to ongoing parental disputes. Financial instability was identified as a major conflict catalyst within families.

Interestingly, the research finds that these women derive strength and hope from their religious beliefs, allowing them to better cope with life’s challenges. Despite facing financial and familial issues, the majority continued to involve religion in their lives, claiming it provided them with solutions through divine intervention. Most women grew up in religious households but found that maintaining faith became more difficult after marriage, particularly due to the lack of spousal support. However, despite this, the women revealed that their faith remained a cornerstone in their lives. They regarded the church as a sanctuary, providing them peace and refuge in trying times. The study suggests that the influence of religious belief is significant not just spiritually, but also as a coping mechanism for handling poverty and familial conflicts. Overall, the women in the study showed that their religious faith played a critical role in their lives, especially when faced with difficulties, but also highlighted the necessity of spousal involvement for holistic familial well-being.


Spirituality in Low-Income Homes


I set out to identify the role of religion in the social assistance of families facing poverty problems, to analyze the impact of religious beliefs on relationships within the family, to evaluate how religious beliefs influence the way the family relates to poverty problems, how faith in God changed them as people.