Research Problem Identification (Grade A+)
Research is a systematic process aimed at uncovering new knowledge to understand phenomena, answer questions, or solve problems. The research process starts with identifying a research problem, which guides the subsequent steps. This involves thinking, reviewing the literature, planning, implementing, analyzing, and informing others of the findings.
Identifying a research problem is a critical first step, as it directs the entire research process. Research problems describe knowledge gaps that need addressing to improve practice. These problems can arise from clinical observations, concerns raised by colleagues, or gaps in literature and theory. Initially, start with a broad topic relevant to your practice and gradually refine it during the “thinking phase” of the research process.
When identifying a research problem, consider its significance, research ability, feasibility, ethical considerations, and available resources. The next steps involve reviewing and critiquing related literature, exploring theoretical approaches, and further refining the problem and purpose before moving to the planning phase of the study.
Research Problem Identification
What is research?
Focused on uncovering new knowledge to help understand phenomena, answer questions, or address problems
The systematic nature of the research process means that research is undertaken in a methodological fashion using a rigorous approach to collect information (data) about a phenomenon or research problem and to analyze and interpret that information in order to begin to answer questions or solve problems.
Thus, developing a problem statement is a critical first step in the research process.
Phases of Research Process
– Thinking: Identifying
– Problem & Purpose: Reviewing the literature:
– Planning: Choosing study design & planning approach to sample, data collection etc.
– Implementing: Recruiting participants & collecting data
– Analyzing: Analyze data and interpret findings
– Informing: disseminating results (journal articles, presentations, etc.)
Research Problem
– Identifying a researchable problem is the first step in the research process and ultimately guides the remaining steps.
– Research problems describe knowledge gaps that need to be addressed in order to understand or improve practice.
– A research problem is one which requires a researcher to find out the best solution for the given problem.
– A research problem is an educational issue or concern that an investigator presents and justifies in a research study