Psychological Research on Intelligence
This Psychological Research on Intelligence show that Intelligence is the ability to think, reason, understand, and gain and use knowledge. There are various theories and classifications of intelligence, including Charles Spearman’s G-factor theory, Raymond Cattell’s Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence theory, Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, and Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Each theory highlights different aspects of human cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, creativity, and practical skills. Personal experiences can demonstrate the application of these theories in everyday life. Intelligence is unique to each individual and can be developed and improved through constant practice.
Psychological Research on Intelligence
What is Intelligence?
According to the Collin English Dictionary, intelligence is the “ability to think, reason and understand instead of doing things automatically or by instinct”. By the Macmillan Dictionary, it is ‘the ability to understand and think about things, and to gain and use knowledge’. The further definition came with the same information, its ability to think, understand and react.
Based on the article, there are various classifications and sub-categories of intelligence.
Charles Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence
As per the article, intelligence consists of a factor called ‘g”, which was formulated by Charles Spearman. He developed a statistical procedure that can hope to give light on the psychology of intelligence. He conducted a series of experiments and lead with a theory that there is one central factor that influences the cognitive abilities of each individual, which is then called the G-factor, the generalized factor.
Personal example based on what I understand and experienced:
We had an exam at the school I happened to get all the passing grades except for Math which I got a low score. According to Spearman’s theory, I should be able to get a passing grade in all of the subjects because of the G- factor.