Psychological Aspects in Bruxism
  • Psychological Aspects in Bruxism

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Psychological Aspects in Bruxism


The scholarly work on Psychological Aspects of Bruxism provides a comprehensive understanding of bruxism (teeth grinding) by dissecting it through various psychological lenses. In the theoretical segment, the study delves into multiple factors that can influence or trigger bruxism, starting with examining sleep cycles and how they could contribute to this condition. It also explores the role of the unconscious mind, suggesting that unresolved conflicts or suppressed emotions might manifest as teeth-grinding during sleep. The study further investigates life cycles and self-esteem, theorizing that phases of life and self-perception might be related to the onset or persistence of bruxism. The familial cycle is also considered, looking into how family stress or dynamics might be contributing factors.

A significant portion is devoted to stress and personality types, arguing that certain personality traits are more susceptible to bruxism. The study argues that stress is not just a trigger but a significant sustaining factor for bruxism and notes how different personality types are more prone to stress and, consequently, teeth grinding.


Psychological Aspects in Bruxism

Part 1 – Theory


No, a man cannot deal with all the diversity of life, over the life of its limited means, what it might take to reveal the unknown side of one’s personality. Most of the time, they are a true record of the more latent, or hidden areas of mental, that a man must be aware of. Everyone likes to think that she knows, that nothing of what he is in himself is not a stranger, and I can control all of your feedback. I will be surprised when some of these effects get out of control. Becoming weak, we tend to think of faith as the main factor in what is happening to us. You don’t realize some of the coincidences and the fact that we have been made aware of these issues. You are why we have the opportunity to change and fix this situation. Bruxism is one of the manifestăriile that we do not control, because at its core lies the unconscious mind.