Psychodynamics of Anxiety Disorders
  • Psychodynamics of Anxiety Disorders

About the Product

Psychodynamics of Anxiety Disorders


The study is an exhaustive exploration of anxiety disorders, dissecting it from multiple angles to achieve a holistic understanding. It begins with a documentary study that offers preliminary insights into the conceptualizations of anxiety. A detailed look is given to the spectrum of anxiety disorders, providing psychiatric classifications and even diving into transpersonal perspectives. Various manifestations of fear, such as in interpersonal relationships and cultural taboos, are also explored.

The study proceeds to delve into the etiological and explanatory factors contributing to anxiety. A gamut of theories and perspectives are scrutinized—from Adlerian, existentialist, and humanistic viewpoints to evolutionary and psychoanalytic theories. The role of affect, neurosis, and cognitive perspectives are elaborately examined. Additionally, Szondian thinking focused on drive theory provides another layer to the discussion. The study also outlines various defence mechanisms and coping strategies people employ to manage anxiety.


Psychodynamics of Anxiety Disorders

1. Documentary Study


“Once upon a time, when the gods walked the Earth without fear, Grija crossed a river, took clay from the bank and began to shape it. After the clay took shape, Grija asked Jupiter to give it spirit. Without thinking, the god fulfilled Grija’s request. But the trouble began when the animated piece of human had to be given a name: Grija wanted to give it her name, but Jupiter thought it appropriate to give the new creature his name. The earth also entered the dispute, and, as the creature’s body was made of hum, it seemed natural that she should bear his name. Ultimately, the three went to La Saturn to judge their cause. His decision was the following: since the creature is made of humus, of earth, it will have the name Earth and be called homo, man. As Jupiter is the one who gave him spirit, at man’s death, he will take it back. The earthly body will return to the earth because it is right. But because Care is the one who gave form to the creature and shaped it, man will be under its control all his life” (I. Pîrvulescu, 2003).