Neuropsychology Notes
  • Neuropsychology Notes

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Neuropsychology Notes (Grade A+)


The nervous system, a crucial component of our body’s infrastructure, hinges on two primary cell types: neurons and supporting cells. Neurons, numbering approximately 100 billion in the human body, stand out as the primary information processors and transmitters. They are responsible for collecting data from our environment, interpreting it, and directing the subsequent muscle movements. Unique to neurons is their method of communication; they employ a blend of electrical and chemical energy. Moreover, unlike other cells, they don’t regenerate or undergo cell division, making them all the more precious.

Three primary characteristics define neurons. First, their “excitability” allows them to react to stimuli, be it from internal or external sources. Second, they have an inherent “conductivity”, producing travelling electrical signals. Lastly, upon reaching the end of the nerve fibre, they demonstrate “secretion”, releasing chemical neurotransmitters to pass on the message.

Diving into the structure of a neuron, we find three principal components. The cell body, or soma, is the neuron’s control hub. It houses all cellular organelles and interprets incoming signals, and directs impulses from the dendrites to the axon. Embedded within the soma’s cytoplasm are various organelles, including Nissl bodies (protein synthesizers), lysosomes (intracellular scavengers), mitochondria (energy producers), and Golgi bodies (managers of protein storage and transport). Next, the dendrites, named after the Greek word for trees, are short hair-like extensions. They emerge from the cell body, capturing and transmitting electrical signals towards it. While the axon wasn’t detailed in the initial information, it plays a pivotal role in transmitting signals away from the cell body to other neurons or muscles. In essence, neurons’ intricate design and functions underscore their central role in the nervous system’s operation.


Neuropsychology Notes

Structure and Function of Nervous System


The most important cells of the nervous system are :

  1. Neurons
  2. Supporting cells

1) The neurons

■ The neuron is the information processing and transmitting element of the NS.
■ Neurons gather information from the environment , process it and control the movement of the muscles.