About the Product

A complete term’s worth of extensive Modern History notes regarding the topic of Stalin. These notes cover, in thorough detail, the following learning intentions:
(1) Dictatorships: definition of a dictatorship, the advantages and disadvantages of dictatorships, types of dictatorship (military dictatorship, absolute monarchy, civilian dictatorship).
(2) Totalitarian Dictatorships: definition of totalitarianism, the characteristics of a totalitarian dictatorship, examples of totalitarian dictatorships, comparing a totalitarian regime and an authoritarian regime. Includes specific case studies including Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco and Kim Jong-Il.
(3) Joseph Stalin: definitions of communism and fascism, a brief biography of Joseph Stalin and a brief overview of Trotsky and his involvement with the Mensheviks and the Old Guard.
(4) Timeline (1921-1924): an extensive timeline of Stalin, including explanations of the New Economic Policy, Lenin, kulaks, Bolsheviks, the Politburo, Communist Party Congress, Communist Party Central Committee, the Treaty of Rapallo, the relationships between Lenin, Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev, the Triumvirate, the Left Opposition and the Permanent Revolution.
(5) Timeline (1925-1931): an extensive timeline of Stalin, including explanations of the United Opposition, Bukharin, the 1927-28 Grain Crisis, the first Five Year Plan, collectivisation, zeks and gulags.
(6) Timeline (1932-1937): an extensive timeline of Stalin, including explanations of the second Five Year Plan, Litvinov, Nazi Germany, the assassination of Sergei Kirov, the Great Purge, the NKVD, collective security, the 1936 Show Trials and the 1937 Great Terror.
(7) Timeline (1938-): an extensive timeline of Stalin, including explanations of the third Five Year Plan, the advantages and disadvantages of the Five Year Plans, the basis of Stakhanovism, the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, the assassination of Trotsky, Yalta Conference, the death of Stalin, and the advantages and disadvantages of Stalin’s reign as dictator.