Maths Methods 3/4 Polynomials Notes
  • Maths Methods 3/4 Polynomials Notes

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Maths Methods 3/4 Polynomials Notes


Polynomials are mathematical expressions of terms with variables raised to a whole number exponent and coefficients. These expressions come in various degrees, where the degree determines the highest power of the variable in the polynomial. Quadratic functions are a specific type of polynomial of degree 2, and they generally take the form �(�)=��2+��+�. Several methods exist to solve quadratic equations, including factorizing, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula �=−�±�2−4��2�. The discriminant, denoted as Δ and given by �2−4��, plays a vital role in determining the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation. If Δ>0, the equation has two distinct solutions; for Δ=0, there’s a single solution, and if Δ<0, there are no real solutions.

The form of a parabola can be determined based on specific information. Given a turning point, one can use the form �=�(�−ℎ)2+�. With x-intercepts, it takes the form �=�(�−�)(�−�). If provided three points, one can use the general form �=��2+��+� and solve the equations simultaneously.

For higher-degree polynomials, the factor theorem and rational root theorem can assist in finding integer or rational roots, respectively. Once a polynomial is factorized, solving for its roots becomes simpler. Dividing polynomials can be done through long or synthetic division methods, both of which provide the quotient of the division.


Maths Methods 3/4 Polynomials Notes

Polynomials are functions of the form, where is the degree of the polynomial is the leading coefficient and is the constant

Solving polynomial equations: Take all terms to one side and factorise, then apply the null factor law

Example qs:

1. Solve each of the following for x

4 = x3 + 3×2
0 = 8×3 + 27
x3 + 3×2 = 6x + 8
2×3 − x2 − 6x + 3 = 0