Intermediate to Advanced French (Grade A+)
This Intermediate to Advanced French note introduces an intermediate-level French course designed for English speakers with good knowledge of French or those who have successfully completed the instructor’s first French course. The course is divided into seven sections, covering a global introduction, grammar and vocabulary, new verbs and phrases, understanding written instructions, more verbs, cultural matters, and a bonus lecture offering a free PDF of the course and access to the beginner course. The instructor recommends working on one or two lectures per day and practicing regularly to improve language skills. The course offers a refund policy and extra features such as note-taking and resource downloads, which can be accessed through on-screen instructions. To navigate the course video, hit the ‘b’ key to take notes, use the player buttons to go back 15 seconds, hit the left click, enter or space bar to pause, hit ‘Q’ to see the questions already asked, hit ‘F’ to go full screen, and hit ‘C’ to see the curriculum. Overall, this course offers a comprehensive intermediate-level French learning experience for those looking to improve their language skills.
Intermediate to Advanced French
Lecture 5: The order of the words As we learned in the first course, you can ask a question by reversing the order of the words in a sentence, just like in English. For example: “Tu as une voiture” – You (do) have a car “As-tu une voiture?” – Do you have a car? Don’t forget, we can also use the expression “est-ce que” to ask a question. “Est-ce que tu as une voiture?” – Do you have a car? Now, what about regular sentences? Well, there’s a couple possibilities. I will show you concrete examples. Let’s take the following sentence and translate it. “I go to work by bus, I work at the supermarket” The literal translation would be : “Je vais au travail en bus, je travaille au supermarché”. This sentence is in correct order, the difficulty comes when they are reflexive pronouns. Let’s take the sentence “I will send you a postcard” and we translate it literally, it turns to “Je vais envoyer toi une carte postale”.