Human Resource Management Revision Practice
Performance Appraisal is a structured process to assess and improve an employee’s job performance and potential. It involves reviewing an employee’s achievements, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development through periodic discussions between supervisors and employees. The key features of performance appraisal include its continuous nature, alignment with organizational objectives, multidisciplinary approach, focus on team spirit, and emphasis on staff potential development. Performance appraisal helps make informed decisions about promotions, salary increases, and training needs. It also contributes to organizational control, communication, and employee motivation. Additionally, performance appraisal aids in identifying gaps between actual and desired performance provides feedback, reduces grievances, and supports other HR functions like recruitment and training. Overall, performance appraisal is a dynamic tool that aids in evaluating and enhancing employee performance while aligning it with the organization’s goals.
Human Resource Management Revision Practice
Short Notes type Questions:
1. Explain the importance of Career Planning in the industry.
Career planning involves efforts on the part of the organization to provide avenues for growth to its employees. Certainly, this growth should be accompanied by development. The other side of the coin is the role of employees in career planning. It involves effort on the part of employees to think through and decide on areas in which they would like to make a career for themselves.
When employees have assessed their career needs and have become aware of organizational career opportunities, the problem is one of alignment. The crucial role has to be played by HRD in ensuring this alignment to build up morale in the organization. A systematic choice of development techniques like training, special assignment, counselling and rotational assignments should be made to ensure this alignment.
Employees at Uncertain Stage
Employees are often uncertain about the type of work that suits them best. There are several evaluation instruments available to determine basic aptitudes. Human Resource Development Managers should be able to guide employees by administering these instruments to them. Employees should also find out whether they are loners or socially active.