Health and Ilness in Nursing
  • Health and Ilness in Nursing

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Health and Illness in Nursing


The text provides an overview of basic concepts in nursing, focusing on the concept of health and illness, models of health, nursing theories, illness behaviour, stages of illness, nursing care delivery systems, communication techniques, teaching and client education, and the nurse-client relationship. It discusses various models and theories in nursing, such as the environmental adaptation model, interpersonal relations/psychodynamic theory, the science of unitary human beings, adaptation model, self-care theory, the science of caring/human caring theory, nursing need theory, and more. The text also covers areas of nursing practice, settings for nursing, Benner’s stages of nursing practice, therapeutic communication, and the phases of the nurse-client relationship.


Health and Illness in Nursing


HEALTH defined:
 A complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO)
 A dynamic state of being in which an individual’s developmental and behavioural potential is realized to the fullest extent possible. (ANA, 1989)

WELLNESS defined:
 The maximizing of personal potential and a state of well-being.
o WELL-BEING is the subjective perception of vitality and feeling well.
 Involves attitudes and behaviors that enhance the quality of life.
 Dimensions of wellness (SPIES) include:
o Social, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual.

 Attempts to explain health and, in some instances, its relationship to illness and injury.
 Overview (CARE) by Judith Smith

o Clinical Model
• “Health is the absence of signs and symptoms of disease or injury.”
• Not merely the absence of disease.

o Adaptive Model
• Health is defined as a creative process.
• Disease is a failure to adapt.
• The aim of the treatment is to assist the person to cope or adapt.

o Role Performance Model
• Health is defined in terms of the person’s ability to work and perform social roles,
even if the person appears clinically ill.

o Eudaemonistic Model
• Health is defined as a condition of actualization or realization of potential.
• Illness is a condition that prevents self-actualization