Handball at Junior Team Level
  • Handball at Junior Team Level

About the Product

Handball at Junior Team Level


The research focuses on improving handball performance at the junior team level, covering multiple dimensions from selection processes to advanced tactics. The introductory section emphasizes the importance of the study, specifically discussing the role of player selection for optimized sports performances. This is followed by outlining guidelines for developing a model handball player at the beginner’s stage.

The second chapter provides the scientific foundation of the work. It dissects two crucial phases of handball gameplay: Phase II of the sustained counterattack and Phase II of the attack, elaborating on their significance and the means to effectively implement them. Additionally, the chapter dwells on the unique biological characteristics and qualities of junior-level athletes, implying that a one-size-fits-all approach would be ineffective. Specialized training techniques and tactical methods are then proposed to enhance specific skills in different player positions, especially in the second phase of the attack.

Chapter III outlines the methodologies used in the study, from research methods and statistical analyses to the actual organization and execution of the research. This serves as the framework for the data collated and analyzed in Chapter IV. The findings are presented in detailed tables and graphs subjected to rigorous data analysis to identify trends, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Finally, the study concludes with practical proposals to improve handball training and performance at the junior level. These conclusions are expected to contribute significantly to the development of handball, particularly in the formative stages of athlete development. Overall, the research serves as an exhaustive guide for handball coaches, sports scientists, and policy-makers who aim to improve the standard of junior handball teams.


Handball at Junior Team Level



To improve the training process, this work presents methods and means of achieving the II of children’s and junior handball, which apply in training and training the players to lead to more and more valuable results. The great international competitions of recent years have shown that there are certain guidelines on the world level regarding the section, preparations and participation of the players, as well as how to approach the technical-tactical content in handball players’ training.