Guide to Management Principles
  • Guide to Management Principles

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Guide to Management Principles




  • Harold Koontz defines management as designing and maintaining an environment where individuals work efficiently in groups to achieve selected goals.


  • Management ensures tasks are accomplished to achieve set objectives effectively and efficiently.

Process of Management:

  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Staffing
  4. Directing
  5. Controlling

Features of Management:

  1. Goal-oriented
  2. Pervasive in all types of organizations and global regions
  3. Multi-dimensional: Management at Work, Management of People, Management of Operations
  4. Continuous in nature
  5. A collective group activity
  6. Dynamic due to a changing environment
  7. Intangible but felt through its impacts


  1. Organizational Objectives: Survival, Profit, and Growth
  2. Social Objectives: Responsibilities towards societal interests, such as eco-friendly production.
  3. Personal Objectives: Catering to the diverse needs of employees.


  1. Achieving group goals.
  2. Increasing efficiency.
  3. Creating adaptability to change.
  4. Achieving personal objectives of workers.
  5. Societal development through quality products and job opportunities.

Nature of Management:

  1. As an Art: Personal application of existing knowledge, managers use and modify existing management principles based on the situation.
  2. As a Science: It is a systematic body of knowledge with principles based on experimentation, but since management involves human behaviour, outcomes are not always predictable, making it an inexact science.
  3. As a Profession: Requires specialized knowledge and training, with restricted entry. It has ethical codes of conduct and is associated with service. Though it’s not a strict profession like medicine or law, it is trending in that direction.

Management is an amalgamation of art, science, and a budding profession. It is essential in achieving organizational, social, and personal objectives and adapting to ever-changing environments.


Guide to Management Principles

Features, Objectives, Importance and Nature of MANAGEMENT

By Harold Koontz – “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in
which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplishing selected aims.”

Management is a series of interrelated functions that all managers perform. It is a process of getting things done to achieve goals effectively and efficiently.

Process of Management at a Glance:
 Planning
 Organizing
 Staffing
 Directing
 Controlling