Group Dynamics
  • Group Dynamics

About the Product

Group Dynamics: Disability, Youth, Aging, and Homelessness in Focus


The text delves into the groups of individuals who experience disability, youth, aging, and homelessness, providing a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics, prevalence, diversity, terminology, and significant factors. In the context of disability, the various types, such as physical, intellectual, psychological, and sensory, are discussed, along with the high prevalence of disability in Australian households. The diversity within the disability community is highlighted, including factors such as age, culture, level of education, and socioeconomic status, which determine an individual’s inclusion within this group. Access to services plays a vital role, and examples are given, such as counselling through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), financial support and plan choices through NDIS, and accommodations for transportation, housing, healthcare, education, employment, and legal aid.

The text then focuses on the youth population, highlighting their prevalence, diversity, and terminology. Education and the development of a sense of identity are identified as the two most significant aspects for young people. Access to services for youth encompasses counselling through organizations like Headspace, financial support through youth allowances, transportation discounts, housing assistance, healthcare services, educational opportunities, employment guidance, and legal aid. Factors that impact access include individual characteristics, available resources, and aspects of the services themselves. Specific examples are provided, such as the Youth Allowance program, which offers financial support for those studying away from home or facing unemployment due to sickness, injury, or lack of employment.


Group Dynamics: Disability, Youth, Aging, and Homelessness in Focus

Groups in context

Category A → disability & youth

→ Types → physical, intellectual, psychological, sensory
→ Prevalence → 4.4 million, 35.9% of Australian households include a person with a disability
→ Diversity → type of disability, age, culture, level of education, socioeconomic status; these determine whether an individual is part of a group
→ Terminology (+) → people with a disability

→ SHE SEA → two most significant → Health & Adequate standard of living (A.S.O.L)
1. A.S.O.L → partake in daily activities, accessibility → house modifications → talk about if this is not
meant as well as when it is met
2. Health → regular medication, and health checkups to maintain well-being