Gastric Cancer Patient Care
  • Gastric Cancer Patient Care

About the Product

Gastric Cancer Patient Care


This document is structured to explore a particular medical condition in-depth. It encompasses various chapters that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the topic, from symptoms and positive diagnosis to treatment, disease evolution, and care plans for individual cases.

The document begins with Chapter I, which details the symptoms associated with the particular medical condition under study. This section aims to provide readers with a clear understanding of the manifestations and signs of affliction.

Chapter II delves into the process of a positive diagnosis, shedding light on the methods and criteria used to accurately identify the medical condition. This chapter serves as a critical component in establishing a clear diagnostic framework.

Moving forward, Chapter III is dedicated to exploring the evolution of the disease. This section provides insights into how the medical condition progresses over time, potentially leading to changes in symptoms and severity. By understanding disease evolution, readers gain a more comprehensive perspective on the condition’s impact on individuals.

Chapter IV centres on treatment options. It delves into the various approaches used to manage and alleviate the effects of the medical condition. This chapter may cover medical and therapeutic interventions, offering readers a well-rounded view of potential treatment strategies.

Chapter V shifts the focus to care plans for specific cases. By presenting detailed case studies (Case No. 1, Case No. 2, Case No. 3), readers are exposed to real-world scenarios that require tailored care. This section provides an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, fostering a deeper understanding of managing medical conditions in different contexts.

The document then concludes with a dedicated “Conclusions” section. This segment summarises key findings and insights throughout the document, offering readers a concise overview of the topics covered.


Gastric Cancer Patient Care


The first account of gastric cancer was made by Acena (2nd century), and the first section was written by Morgani in 1761.

Simultaneously, surgeons focus more on gastric resection techniques and less on early diagnosis. Thus 1981, Billroth performed the first gastric resection, and in 1897, Schlatter performed the first gastrectomy for cancer.