Fullback Role in Division C Soccer
  • Fullback Role in Division C Soccer

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Fullback Role in Division C Soccer


The study meticulously dissects the role of the Fullback in a Division C soccer team, encapsulating a myriad of dimensions ranging from historical perspectives to technical-tactical specifics. Starting with an introduction that briefly traces the evolution of the Fullback role, the paper establishes its theoretical and practical significance in modern football. It also elucidates the reasons for choosing this topic and lays out the research’s hypothesis and objectives.

The theoretical foundation of the work delves into current trends and news in football, bringing attention to how the Fullback role has evolved and adapted to new tactical nuances. Notably, it zooms in on the technical-tactical particularities essential for players specializing in this position. The paper highlights specialized training aspects, underscoring the increasingly critical nature of the Fullback’s involvement in the game’s defensive and offensive phases.

The organizational part of the research outlines the period, location, subjects, and methods employed for the study. It sets the framework for the subsequent conduct of the research, which explores various means to enhance the Fullback’s performance, ranging from physical conditioning to skill development and tactical awareness.

The results section provides valuable insights into the impact of these interventions, signalling areas of success and those requiring further attention. Finally, the paper wraps up with conclusions and proposals aimed at elevating the performance of the Fullback in Division C teams. It is a holistic evaluation, indicative of the multi-faceted demands and the growing importance of the Fullback position in contemporary football. It provides practical guidelines for coaches, players, and analysts alike.


Fullback Role in Division C Soccer



1.1. Short History

Looking for the origins of football in the past is not too easy, but not impossible either. There is clear evidence that the sphere was used as an accessory for physical exercises by many primitive peoples, so from the beginning, the sphere was a means of physical fortification, recreation, play, and competition.

This year marks 135 years since a sports game, which for decades had developed haphazardly, forged its status.