Family Impact on Aggression in Mildly Disabled Kids
  • Family Impact on Aggression in Mildly Disabled Kids

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Family Impact on Aggression in Mildly Disabled Kids


The paper delves into the multifaceted world of auditory perception and its significant impact on the psycho-social life of individuals. While modern society is visually driven, the paper argues for the importance of understanding sound, a crucial aspect often overlooked in social sciences.

The first chapter examines the basic characteristics of sound, such as frequency, amplitude, and intensity, laying the groundwork for understanding how we perceive sounds. It introduces the concept of the ‘acoustic analyzer,’ which receives sound waves from the external environment and translates them into auditory sensations that serve as the foundation for auditory mental images.

Building upon the concept of auditory mental images, the paper explores how sounds have different meanings attributed to them. These meanings are rooted in sonic indexes, unique sound qualities in specific locations, and soundscapes, which are interaction fields between sounds. The paper introduces two kinds of auditory imagery—episodic and semantic. Episodic auditory images are reconstructions of the sonic index, while semantic auditory images are reconstructions of landscape sounds.

Chapter 4 discusses various forms of sound, including noise and music, and how they interact with social reality. The paper underlines that our emotional and psycho-social development is intertwined with our auditory experiences. For instance, acoustic ecology, a science emerging in response to technological noise pollution, aims to reevaluate our acoustic environment.

The paper then delves into the socio-cultural aspects of music, showing that musical styles often reflect societal ideologies. The structures within music mirror social structures, conveying that music is not merely an art form but a representation of society.


Family Impact on Aggression in Mildly Disabled Kids


The present paper proposes an analysis, starting from the basic element of auditory perception – sound and from the influence it manifests in the psycho-social life of individuals. I have taken into account the fact that in modern society, the emphasis is on visual representations and less on sound ones – which should be a question mark and an important research point for the social sciences