Craft of Writing: Exam Tips and Band 6 Notes
  • Craft of Writing: Exam Tips and Band 6 Notes

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Craft of Writing: Exam Tips and Band 6 Notes


Achieved a 92% in the HSC Exam.

This is Craft of Writing: Exam Tips and Band 6 Notes, with examples from Margaret Atwood, Zadie Smith, and Franz Kafka. The notes include quotes, techniques, and analysis of their work. The notes cover different styles of writing, including persuasive, imaginative, and discursive. There is also guidance on using anecdotes, metaphors, rhetorical questions, and other writing techniques to create effective writing. The notes provide valuable insight into writing techniques and can be used for reflective responses.


Craft of Writing: Exam Tips and Band 6 Notes


–     Cannot really analyse as it’s directly linked to your response,




Quote Technique Significance/Analysis
–        spotty-handedness,

–        paint-by-numbers,

–        female-as-victim,

–        housework-is-virtuous,

–        moustache-twirling,

–        better-than-man, no-nos,

–        something-other-than-breakfast


Hyphenation –        The creation of new words using hyphens

–        New word with connotation to something you’ve already established.

“There is a wide range of heroines in these tales; passive good girls, yes, but adventurous, resourceful women as well, and proud ones, and slothful ones, and foolish ones, and envious and greedy ones, and also many wise women and a variety of evil witches, both in disguise and not, and bad stepmothers and wicked ugly sisters and false brides as well.”



“These women characters are all murderers.”

Complex Syntax

–     semicolon, polysyndeton, oxford comma, embedded clauses etc







Truncated Sentences





–        Combine both to create a variety

in voice and register

–        Good writing has a sense of rhythm; sentences don’t all have to be long and complex

“But female bad characters can also act as keys to doors we need to open and as mirrors in which we can see more than just a pretty face.” Idiom/Metaphor

–     Figurative language

–        Turned the figurative language to relate to her own topic

–        Meaning: Yes, they can drain the reputation of women, but they can be used to learn more about women, create more opportunities for women

Isn’t bad behaviour supposed to be the monopoly of men? Rhetorical Question –     can sometimes be more effective at convincing people because it makes you reflect on