Control and Coordination in Living Organisms
  • Control and Coordination in Living Organisms

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Control and Coordination in Living Organisms – Class 10 Notes


This note discusses control and coordination in living organisms. Coordination refers to the adjustment of vital activities in response to environmental stimuli. Two types of coordination are nervous and chemical coordination. The nervous system is responsible for sending, receiving, and processing messages in the form of impulses via neurons. Neurons are made up of a cell body and cell processes, including the axon and dendron. Chemical substances called neurotransmitters transmit messages from one neuron to another. Reflex action is a quick response to a stimulus, such as the knee-jerk or withdrawal of a hand from a hot object.


Control and Coordination in Living Organisms 

What do you mean by coordination? The working together of the various organs of an organism to adjust vital activities of life is called coordination.

How the body controls its movements and coordinates its actions with other parts of the body and the environment?

All living organisms respond and react to changes in the environment around them.

The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called Stimuli, such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, touch etc.

All plants and animals respond to stimuli but are indifferent.

What do you mean by the response? The response is a reaction against the stimulus.

Coordination is mainly of two type

  1. Nervous coordination
  2. Chemical coordination

What do you mean by the nervous system? The Nervous System is responsible for sending, receiving and processing messages in the form of chemical signals called Impulses.

Nervous Tissue comprises an organized network of nerve cells or Neurons.

It is specialised for conducting information via electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.

What do you mean by neuron? The structural and functional unit if the nervous system is called a neuron. The neuron is the longest cell in the human body, up to 100 cm.