Complete Hacking Guide
Here is a comprehensive hacking guide covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques.
Chapter 1: Hacking 101
Whenever you encounter the word hacking, you probably associate it with sending an encrypted program to another user and then getting unauthorized access on a remote computer. However, the term hacking was used to define any act of tinkering with a computer’s hardware or software other than its intended use, in order to improve it and find out how electronic devices can work electronically.
While that definition technically still holds true, hacking has definitely made a whole new turn wildly
when it comes to how another person can access someone else’s computer. Before you think that hacking
is all about getting past securities to wreak havoc on somebody else’s digital device, you might need to
know the types of hackers that exist nowadays.
Who Hacks?
Hackers are typically divided into the following categories:
1. Black hat hackers. Also known as criminal hackers or crackers, these people are those that maliciously gain access to another person’s system for selfish gain. They typically hack electronic devices and modify, steal, or delete critical files for their personal gain.
2. White hat hackers. White hat hackers, or ethical hackers, discover ways on how a device’s system can be exploited in order to learn how people can defend themselves against possible attacks. These ethical hackers also make it a point that the security services they issue are updated. They do this by being on the lookout and actively digging for the newest exploits and new system vulnerabilities.
3. Grey hat hackers. As the name suggests, they are driven by white and black hat hacking motivations – they are the ones who employ both illegal and legal techniques to exploit or improve a system. However, if a grey hat hacker exploits another person’s system, he typically makes it a point to inform the owner of the exploits made and then offers suggestions on what can be done to buff up system security