Community Nursing Comprehensive Survey Tool
The community organizing and development program involves several phases and processes. It starts with the pre-entry phase, where potential communities are identified, and community profiling is done to understand their needs. The entry phase follows, where community workers integrate with the community, conduct deep social investigations, and recognize local authorities’ roles. The community assessment/diagnosis phase involves gathering data and setting goals for the community. Social and community relations are strengthened in the community organizing and capability-building phase, and potential leaders are identified. The community action phase focuses on promoting intervention schemes and development projects. Finally, the progress is sustained in the sustenance and strengthening phase and viable management systems are implemented. Throughout the process, a comprehensive community survey tool collects data on various variables, including demographics, health statistics, and environmental factors, to better understand the community’s characteristics and resources.
Community Nursing Comprehensive Survey Tool
1. Pre-entry Phase
• Identifying potential municipalities or barangays
• Community profiling
✓ Contact person-help look
✓ Overview of the community
✓ Total population
• Area selection
• Site selection
• Preliminary social investigation (PSI)
The initial phase of the organizing process is where the community/organizer looks for communities to serve/help. This is an initial entry to all phases or a prior entry. This involves selecting the target community, such as identifying potential municipalities or barangay, Community profiling area selection, site selection, and preliminary social investigation. It is utilized to determine their needs for community organizing.
2. Entry Phase
• Integration
• Deepening social investigation/community
• Recognizing the role of local authorities
• Living with the community
• Conducting baseline
This phase signals the actual entry of the community worker/organizer into the community. This entry says to get the community workers into their specific work. It involves the integration process, deepening social investigation/community, recognizing the roles of local authorities, living with the community and conducting a baseline for the conceptualization of the community diagnosis. And it is also during this phase that potential leaders are identified.