About the Product

This unit in Chemistry for the QCE deals with the topic of Electrochemistry (electrochemical cells and redox reactions) in thorough detail. In particular, this course covers the following learning intentions:
(1) Structure and function of electrochemical cells: galvanic/voltaic cell, battery, electromotive force, voltage, current, electrodes, salt bridge, internal/external circuits, cathode, anode, electrolyte.
(2) Daniell Cell
(3) Half-Cells: oxidation and reduction, reducer/reductant/reducing agent, oxidiser/oxidising agent/oxidant, half reactions, using specific examples and balanced chemical equations.
(4) Redox reactions: electron transfer process, inert electrodes, difference between chemical and electrical energy, voltaic cell.
(5) Electrochemical series: potential difference, cell electromotive force, standard electrode potential.
(6) Balancing redox reactions: oxidation numbers and rules using specific examples, how to balance redox reactions using the normal half reaction method or skeleton half equations.
(7) Disproportionation redox reactions and specific conditions of redox reactions in alkaline and acidic solutions.
(8) Limitations of calculating cell voltage.
(9) Cells and batteries: primary cells, secondary cells, fuel cells, using common examples such as the zinc-carbon dry cell, alkaline cell, lead-acid cell, nickel-cadmium cell, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.