About the Product

Notes on the units 3 & 4 Business Management Course.
LSO’S IN CONTEXT: characteristics of Large Scale Organisations, types of organisations, key performance indicators, environments of LSO’s, LSO’s contribution to the economy, typical management functions, vision and mission statements

MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES: corporate culture, policy development, planning, organisation, leading & controlling, SWOT analysis, management styles, management skills, relationship between management styles and management skills

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: productivity, areas of operational competitiveness, role of operations manager, levels of planning, improving productivity (robotics, training and multi-skilling staff etc.), facilities design and layout, materials management (e.g. just in time, supply chain management, materials planning), quality control

EMPLOYEE RELATIONS: award, collective agreement, individual contract, FWC, minimum employment conditions, agreements, dispute resolution, industrial action, unions, centralised and decentralised system, role of HR in employee relations, management styles and skills in employee relations

MANAGING PEOPLE: forecasting, human resources, the employment cycle (establishment, management, termination), employee and employer expectations, theories of motivation (Maslow, Herzberg and Locke), role of human resources manager, ethical and social responsibility regarding the employment cycle

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: sources of change, internal and external pressures for change, driving and restraining forces, Kotter’s theory of change management, low risk and high risk tactics for change, the role of leadership in change, impact of change on internal environment, ethical and social responsibility in change management

CASE STUDIES: Change Management Pacific Brands and SPC Ardmona

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