Boosting Staff Creativity Methods
  • Boosting Staff Creativity Methods

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Boosting Staff Creativity Methods


The study focuses on the importance of stimulating creativity within the workforce as a priority for top-level managers. It argues that fostering creativity is crucial from recruitment to employment, as it enhances individual and organizational progress. The research delves into the multifaceted concept of creativity, which has become a subject of interest across multiple disciplines, such as psychology, education, philosophy, and economics. It emphasizes the need for a shift in managerial mindset to consider psychosocial aspects in stimulating organisational creativity.

The paper identifies various methods and techniques managers can employ to ignite creativity. These methods aim to activate creative abilities by overcoming psychosocial barriers restricting their full expression. Among these methods are brainstorming, synectics, and the Phillips 6-6 technique, all aimed at problem-solving, breaking conventional thought patterns, and encouraging new initiatives. These methods meet the evolving needs of personnel and contribute to the organization’s competitiveness by improving labour productivity.

The research concludes that optimizing creativity stimulation methods is critical for adapting to rapid changes and tackling complex problems. It suggests that implementing such methods can enhance the quality of the production process and the overall activity within an organization. The paper culminates with proposals for the practical application of these methods, highlighting the need for ongoing optimization to meet the challenges of today’s ever-changing work environment.


Boosting Staff Creativity Methods


Stimulating the creative potential of employees is one of the main priorities in the world of top-level managers.

In the existing conditions in our country, it is necessary to develop the creativity of each personality, from the moment of recruitment in the organization, so that the future specialists can contribute to the organisation’s and the state’s progress. The given process stimulates imagination and curiosity, initiative and confidence in one’s strength, independence in finding various solutions-attitudes so much in demand in contemporary society.

The work includes general notions of personnel, creativity and their importance for enterprises. Also described are the factors that stimulate staff creativity at the time of recruitment and during the activity.