Band 6 Notes for Mastering HSC English
The note is a comprehensive and easily applicable resource for the 2021 HSC English standard syllabus, covering various subject aspects. The author, with the help of their teachers and additional resources, has edited and compiled these notes, which are 47 pages long. The purpose of selling these notes is to assist students in their HSC English journey, as it can be challenging to find adequate resources for the English modules. The note aims to guide students and help them achieve a band 6 exam result.
Band 6 Notes for Mastering HSC English
An individuals preconceived notions held towards a particular group can be challenged initiating a new worldview.
The environment which an individual resides in can expose or conceal them from the world and stimulate their perceptions.
A new experience can encourage an individual to ingest new ideas for self- strengthening and improvement.
Human experiences can teach individuals new behaviours and knowledge about the world they reside in. |
Individual human experiences:
Psychological human experiences (before): Raquel BEFORE: As Raquel arrives at the Malaysian airport, Gleny suggests to Raquel that she should dress modestly but she proclaims “I don’t care, I dress how I want to. If they wanna wear tea towels and long pants, that’s their problem”.
Raquel is a self-confessed racist as she enunciates “I guess I am a bit racist. I just don’t like Africans” and further claims “My pa fought in the war. His pretty racist as well. My grandads racist.”
Darren BEFORE: In a mini biography Darren has a strong stance on refugees and asylum seekers as he proclaims “why have they traversed half the globe to land on a safe haven such as Indonesia? Why have they then |
The ignorant dialogue divulges the xenophobic attitudes prevalent in Raquel and the lack of intercultural understanding. Moreover, it demonstrates the lack of empathy and appreciation she embodies regarding the diverse beliefs and values of different societies and cultures.
The prejudice dialogue articulates Raquels discriminatory beliefs towards other ethnicities as being stimulated by the interactions in her immediate environment.
The subjective dialogue coupled with a close up shot of Darrens disgusted countenance delineates his lack of tolerance and intellectual understanding of this social issue. |